Monday, 11 July 2022

I am still blogging...

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

Click here

to visit my new blog

and see the next stage of my learning journey.

Comments are closed here. Please comment on my new blog.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

The southern lights




Heart warming



Animal facts - Flying Fish


Flying fish lives in the sea. They are cool because they can fly. when there far away and there flying they look like seagulls. They eat plankton and invertebrates. flying fish flop their tails and they glide up to 400 meters. torpedo shaped bodies helps them gather enough speed underwater to break the surface, and their large, wings -like pectoral fins get them airborne.    

Friday, 12 November 2021

Caged Animals

This is my writing about caged animals and it was about what they would miss and do if they were free. I worked on a bunny, lion and eagle.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Last times table of term 3


this is my last day of term 3 but its also my last day of maths of term 3. I'm on my nines and I just started my nine times tables. And I'm nearly finished them. But hopefully I past my fours next term. 

Music with Fran

 Music is  fun its like something you can experience like more than a million times

When you play violin without the bow you fingers hurt a little aleast i think so but with the bow its so loud so i would rather without the bow because it dosent give me a headache. What i don't like about music is nothing because i like everything basically. When i first did music i thought it was really boring but now i like it alot it makes me happy when mary and fran say im good at violin. I like to experience alot of things in music.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

This is my recount

The first day in room 3 we had a great time because we did some art. It wasent any art it was marble art it was where you put 3 colour blobs and put a marble in and roll it around in a tray it was really fun we had to let them dry so on the second day 

we got our art and cut out block letters to put on some white paper and then we got to play games on our chromebook when were done. At lunch time we watched a movie called Abominable it was a happy and sad movie. After the movie we played dogeball. And that was our two days.